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NUK First Choice+ teats

Three different hole variations

Perfect drinking speed at every feed

To ensure your baby enjoys a relaxed feed for the required amount of time for good oral development, there are NUK teats with different hole variations. A particularly fine one (size S) for thin liquids such as breast milk, first infant formula and tea, and a medium-fine teat (size M) for other milk feeds.

When your baby learns to drink independently (from 6 months), the NUK Flow Control teat can be used. With its Y-opening, it lets your baby control the flow for the first time. No matter what type of feed is in the bottle and how quickly or slowly your baby wants to drink.

Two teat sizes

For a perfect fit

As a baby's face grows, so does the palate, and so, to ensure the best possible feel in your baby’s mouth, NUK offers teats in two different sizes.*

One shape

Natural and right for the jaw

The special NUK shape is modelled on a mother's nipple as she breastfeeds. It leaves enough room for the tongue and jaw’s natural sucking movements. The soft zone means that the baglet fits the palate even better - for a natural drinking sensation.

No colic

NUK Anti-Colic Air System

The NUK Anti-Colic Air system ensures a natural flow of food. So that babies can drink in a relaxed way, without swallowing air.

of babies accept the NUK First Choice+ teat.*
of the mothers confirm that the NUK First Choice+ bottle does not cause colic.*

* Independent market research, 205 mothers, Germany 2018.