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Hardly any milestone in a baby's life is as important as learning to drink. Because without water, the human body just doesn´t work. From supplying the organs with nutrients to regulating body temperature.

Well then, enjoy your thirst! But it's not that easy, because drinking also has to be learned. Holding the cup, bringing it to the mouth, taking in the liquid, swallowing. All this is not just a matter of course: it requires practice.

And parents also have to grow into the subject:

  • At what point do you have to drink more?
  • How much is enough?
  • What are you allowed to drink? How do I motivate you?
  • And how do you learn to drink on your own?

For the answers, we, at NUK, get to the bottom of drinking. Understanding is the first step towards a smooth transition to independent drinking.

AT what Point do you needto drink more?

In the first weeks and months, breast milk or formula supplies your baby with sufficient fluids. Even when solids are added, no additional drinks are usually necessary.
The two first meals – usually vegetable-potato-meat puree and cereal-fruit puree - do not contain as much water as the milk meals they replace, but still enough. As long as only these one or two milk meals are replaced by puree, your baby is getting enough water.

The third pureed meal brings the change: three purees together provide the child with about 800-900 ml of liquid. From this point on, it is advisable to give a drink with the meals to reach the recommended water intake. The more often a child takes part in family meals and the less often has meals in the form of breast milk or formula, then the more liquid should be drunk.

Source: Healthy into Life Network, an IN FORM initiative of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

HOW MUCH is enough?

Drinking is important - of course! But how much is actually enough? Fortunately, the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society are actually quite simple.

AgeWasser­zufuhr durchTotal­water intake
Drinks ml/dayFood ml/dayml/day
0 to under
4 months
680 ml-680 ml
4 to under
12 months
400 ml600 ml1000 ml
Source: German Nutrition Society

WHAT are you


To protect a baby's milk teeth, only water or fruit and herbal teas should be given. Even fruit juices and spritzers are not suitable for little ones, because the fructose and acids they contain attack the teeth and make it easy for cavity-causing bacteria to form.

Even water can be harmful to the teeth if drinking cups with spouts or teats are used as "permanent teats". The constant dilution of saliva then means that it can no longer ensure a balanced acid level in the mouth. The result is known as "baby bottle caries". That is why it´s good if the little ones learn to drink from cups as early as possible.

Soft drinks are generally not advisable. They provide a great amount of quick energy due to their high sugar content. However, their vitamin and mineral content is very limited. Juices are a different matter. They contain a lot of good things for the body. However, due to their high sugar content, they are not recommended for quenching thirst either. In fact, many paediatric dentists now recommend that juices and juice spritzers only be served to children when there is something special to celebrate. Quasi "champagne" for youngsters.

HOW do you learn,

to drink independently?

Drinking brings its own challenges to each stage of a child's development. First, the transition from bottle to cup must be successful. Later on, the cup has to join in with everything and withstand a lot too. When children are older, they want a cup that suits them and their new abilities - not just "one for babies".

We, at NUK, have followed this concept exactly with our learner bottles, the NUK Evolution Cups and the NUK First Choice Cups: “growing” with the child to offer them exactly what they need and want.

First Choice Learner bottle

6 months
Soft spout

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Nature Sense Learner bottle

6 months
Extra-wide lip rest

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Trainer Cup

6 months
Soft spout

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Mini Magic Cup

6 months
360° drinking rim

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Magic Cup

8 months
360° drinking rim

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Action Cup

12 months
Soft drinking straw

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Active Cup

12 months
Silicone drinking spout with integrated soft zone

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Kiddy Cup

12 months
Bite-proof drinking spout

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Flexi Cup

12 months
Soft drinking straw

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Junior Cup

18 months
Soft push-pull spout

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Sports Cup

24 months
Practical push-pull spout

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you to drink?

Being able to drink is one thing - wanting to drink is another ...
Many parents despair when trying to get their offspring to drink regularly.

These two tips can help.


Children are always keen to imitate their parents. The best way for parents to motivate their children to drink is to drink more themselves! A welcome side effect: the grown-ups feel better, too.


Water is boring? Not if it comes out of a cup that is great fun. The new NUK cups with the chameleon effect will delight children because the motif on the cup can be changed when it is warmed or cooled. Hard to believe! The little ones won't want to let one of these out of their hands.